What sets a silk carre´ apart from others? Color and design of course but something else speaks to the luxe quality of a silk scarf.
An exquisitely hand rolled-hem by a skilled artisan takes approximately 4 hours per scarf to complete. With the simplest tools, a very fine needle appropriate for silk and matching thread, the artisan gathers the fabric in one rolling the edge as the needle follows with a slipstitch catching the roll then a few threads of the garment. It is this hand-rolled finish that sets a luxury item apart from the mass-produced. Not only luxurious in appearance but desirable for its superior drape and folding properties, a hand-rolled hem is more supple than a hard edged, lifeless machine sewn hem. Some machines have tried to mimic this hem however, it is the slight imperfections of the handmade stitch and plumpness of the roll that distinguish a hand-rolled hem.
For my new Fall 2017 Collection I am proud to feature hand-rolled hems on our signature silk carre´. However, I am even more proud to be working with a lovely skilled embroiderer and needleworker, originally from Pakistan, who hand finishes each one of our silk carre´s in her Regent Park home.
I have gotten to know this talented artisan through my numerous visits to her home where I often meet one of her 9 children and grandchildren while admiring the meticulous garden bursting with green tomatoes in front of her home.
On my most recent visit, I was presented with a bag of fresh… red! tomatoes… for me! This and a thank-you for providing the opportunity to work for me. I was moved beyond words by the sincere appreciation of our business arrangement and this generous garden offering. Needless to say the tomatoes didn’t last long, so plump, fresh, red, and mmm… Delicious!