Mongolian Fur Care
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I am often asked about how to care for our Mongolian fur accessories. Because these are tied at our neck in cold weather or worn as a glam accessory at...
Silk Care
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I received an email from a client who spilled Paul Newman salad dressing on her new HCT silk carre´ and let’s face it, who hasn’t?! All 3 of these...
Green Tomatoes
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What sets a silk carre´ apart from others? Color and design of course but something else speaks to the luxe quality of a silk scarf. An exquisitely hand...
Abstract Floral Series
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Inks on Mylar remain one of my favorite mediums. After painting the intricate and meticulous Syrian series, I needed to give up control! The result is this reaching branch design...
Canadian Winter Animal Series
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For this winter animal series I worked with black and white drawings representing the whiteout effect of a harsh Canadian winter. I liked the idea of capturing this whiteness,...
Syrian Tile Series
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From Tragedy to Beauty… The crumbling bits of this ancient world hint at what was once an ancient thriving artistic culture. The incomplete tiles, fractured columns and missing...
# Who Made My Clothes
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Our choices about how and where we produce our collections have never been more important. After witnessing the devastating effects of seeking lowest possible price at the expense of basic...
Wrap Yourself in Buddha
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This oversized scarf is exquisitely soft and luxuriously cozy. The silk wool fiber provides a lovely sheer layer that is particularly sensual next to the skin. More than...
Drawing as Meditation
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One of the most satisfying days recently was spent with pencil in hand, in a sunlit room, listening to Beck’s Morning Phase album, and drawing a reacquainted muse, Buddha. Returning...
Showing items 1-9 of 9.